Update on COVID-19

Dear Valued Customer,
I am certain that all of Kings Seeds customers will be aware of the impact and development of the Covid-19 pandemic which has now become a worldwide concern.
Our priority is the safety and wellbeing of our staff and creating a safe environment for them to continue and deliver legendary customer service to you our valued customer.
At this present time, we have heightened and strengthened our hygiene procedures and we are referring to and following government advice on a daily basis, updating our employees as necessary.
All external company travel has been suspended and all upcoming events and exhibitions that we are due to attend or exhibit at have been cancelled.
We are in constant communication with our supply chain and logistics partners to ensure we have the stock we need and the ability to deliver your orders.
In respect of that, it goes without saying that as a service provider we are operating within a labour driven environment and therefore in the short term we will be developing contingency plans as part of our operational discussions. All orders will be delivered as quickly as possible but please be patient during this difficult time.
I hope that this updates you of our current position. Please be assured that we will operate with the best intentions for both our employees and customers alike. It is important that we all work together and carry on with ‘business as usual’. Please continue to call, email or use our website for any enquiries or to place your orders.
Best wishes,
Tracy Palmer & Andrew Tokely
Company Directors