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Parsley Par-cel

Par-cel looks very much like parsley but tastes has a strong taste of celery, making it an excellent variety for flavouring sauces or as a salad garnish.
The leaves are slightly curled which means it would be a nice decoration to a flower border, or in a patio planter or on a windowsill. Par-cel is an easy to grow annual herb.
Height: Up to 30cm (12in)

Parsley is the most popular and widely grown of all the herbs. It is rich in vitamins and can be used raw as a garnish or in salads. It is so versatile it can even be added to many recipes and sauces during cooking. It is ideal for freezing but as it is such a hardy herb, there is rarely any need to do this. The ideal plant to have on your window sill in your kitchen!

Product Part No: 80232

Pack size: 300 Seeds

In Stock
Price: £1.85

When to Sow

  • Jan
  • Feb
  • Mar
  • Apr
  • May
  • Jun
  • Jul
  • Aug
  • Sep
  • Oct
  • Nov
  • Dec

Additional Details

How to Grow Par-cel Parsley Seeds

Sow seeds in individual trays or pots, as this variety does not like root disturbance and hates being transferred. 
Sowings can be made directly into the soil at depths of 1cm (0.5in) from late spring to mid summer, and as parsley germinates more slowly than most weeds, it is important that weed seedlings are weeded out regularly.
Use a good quality multi-purpose compost, water well and allow to filter through. Place two seeds in the middle of a pot and either slightly cover with compost or perlite. If you have a heated propagator, a temperature of 18°C (65°F) will speed up germination. If takes 4-6 weeks without bottom heat and 2-3 weeks with bottom heat.
When the seedlings are large enough and the soil and air temperature have started to rise, normally about mid spring, plant out 15cm (6in) apart in a prepared garden bed after hardening off.

Unlike most herbs, parsley requires a deep rich, moisture retentive soil, and performs very badly on light acoid soils. A ph between 5.5 and 7.0 is necessary. Parsley grows well in full sun bit will also tolerate a little shade. In common with other herbs, parsley is best situated as near to the kitchen door as possible. A fine tilth is required for outside sowing.