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Parsley Italian Giant

Italian Giant Parsley is a much hardier variety than its curled counterparts, and should withstand most winters (yes, even the UK ones!). It has a vigourous growing habit that germinates easily, producing an aromatic plant with large, bright green plain leaves. It boasts a good strong flavour that is widely used in many dishes and in bouquet garni.

It is rich in vitamins and can be used raw as a garnish or in salads. It is so versatile it can even be added to many recipes and sauces during cooking. It is ideal for freezing but as it is such a hardy herb, there is rarely any need to do this. The ideal plant to have on your window sill in your kitchen!


Product Part No: 80235

Pack size: 450 Seeds

In Stock
Price: £1.85

When to Sow

  • Jan
  • Feb
  • Mar
  • Apr
  • May
  • Jun
  • Jul
  • Aug
  • Sep
  • Oct
  • Nov
  • Dec

Additional Details

Sow Inside

Sow inside in either modular trays or pots. Thinly in peat compost in early spring, cover lightly and do not let dry out. Keep temperature at 20°C and thin when large enough.

Sow Outside

In May or June when the ground has warmed and continue sowing until September for a crop into the next year. Sow in shallow drills and cover with fine soil. Germination is slow but keep watering while waiting. Prefers rich moisture retaining soil in semi-shade.


At any time. Cut low down on the plants. Once harvested, its best to use fresh, but you can also freeze parsely to use at a later date.

Handy Tip

Using cling film over the top of the pots or trays will help to keep moist. It can take around 4-5 weeks for these seeds to germinate.