Please allow up to 7-10 working days for despatch.

Rhubarb Mixed Collection - 1 Crown each Timperley, Victoria,Fultons Strawberry Surprise

Mixed Rhubarb Collection

This collection includes 3 crowns in total.
1 crown of each of the following varieties: 1 x Timperley Early, 1 x Fultons Strawberry Surprise and 1 x Victoria.

Timperley Early Rhubarb - The earliest variety into production with red sticks at the base, turning green higher up. This variety is a good choice for forcing.

Victoria Rhubarb - The most traditional variety, first introduced in 1837. It has excellent flavour and is high yielding.

Fultons Strawberry Surprise Rhubarb - Outstanding variety, voted best for flavour with gorgeous bright red sticks. Crops from May through to September.

Rhubarb crowns are two years old and they are bare root.

Please note that all fruit is sent separately from other goods.
A £3.75 delivery charge is applicable on all fruit orders.

Last orders for November delivery is 31st October.
Last orders for March delivery is 28th February
Orders placed after the cut off date will be delivered in the following fruit delivery.

Product Part No: 91007

Pack size: 1 X 3 Crowns

In Stock
Price: £15.95

When to Sow

  • Jan
  • Feb
  • Mar
  • Apr
  • May
  • Jun
  • Jul
  • Aug
  • Sep
  • Oct
  • Nov
  • Dec

Additional Details

Where To Grow Rhubarb Crowns
If possible, it's best to grow rhubarb in full sun, but it is fairly tolerant to partial shade. They will remain in the same position for up to 10 years and the soil immediately surrounding the plant cannot be dug, so position it with this in mind.

Soil Preparation
Tolerant of most soil conditions, rhubarb grows best in a neutral soil which has been dug to a depth of 60cm (2ft) or more. Incorporate as much organic matter as possible during the digging because it must last the life of the plant - rhubarb will not tolerate soil disturbance once established. The site should be prepared about 4 weeks in advance of planting to give it time to settle. Be especially careful to remove all weeds at the preparation stage - once rhubarb is planted, it will be very difficult to get rid of them. 

How to Plant
Dig a hole a little bit wider than the plant. The depth should be such that the top of the plant is 2.5cm (1in) below the soil surface Fill in around the plant with soil, gently firming it down to ensure no air pockets remain. Water well if the conditions are dry. Spread a mulch (garden compost or other well-rotted organic material) around the plants, but not directly above where the crown will emerge in a month or so. The spacing between plants should be about 75cm (2ft 6in)

Care of Rhubarb
Rhubarb require very little care. Every year after the leaves have died down, spread a new layer of garden compost or other well-rotted organic material around (but not touching the plants. This will conserve water and prevent weeds. In dry periods (normally only summer) give the plants a good watering, although this should only be required occasionally. In February, sprinkle a handful of general fertiliser (Grow more is fine) around the plants. Remove any weeds as they appear. The only other attention required is to cut off flower heads, which may appear in early spring as the new rhubarb stalks emerge. Do this as soon as possible - if the flower head is left to grow and set seed, the plant will never fully recover to good strength.