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Alfalfa sprouting seeds produce fine cress-like sprouts, but have a flavour not unlike peas! These seedlings can be harvested when 2-4cm long after as little as 4-5 days. As well as adding to salads or sandwiches alfalfa is also commonly used for animal feed for farm animals and livestock.

Sprouting Seeds are a simple way to produce nutritious vegetables all the year round. Like beansprouts, there are other seeds which can be raised much in the same way to give different flavours. They can be grown in the same way as cress (on moist tissue or saucers) but with sprouting seeds, the whole seedling is eaten. Another way to grow them is in a glass jar. Soak the seeds overnight in tepid water after washing them, drain them and put them in a clean jar, covering with some old tights or a muslin. Fill the jar with water and pour off leaving nicely moist seeds, propping the solid end up so any excess water drains off, lay the jar on its side and keep in a warm place and repeat the wetting and draining twice a day.

Product Part No: 15101

Pack size: 10000 Seeds

In Stock
Price: £1.95

When to Sow

  • Jan
  • Feb
  • Mar
  • Apr
  • May
  • Jun
  • Jul
  • Aug
  • Sep
  • Oct
  • Nov
  • Dec

Additional Details

Where to Sow Alfalfa Seeds

All the year round.

Where to Sow

For sprouting, use 1 tablespoon of seed in a special sprouter or jam jar covered in muslin.

What to do next

Rinse well twice a day. Temperature should be between 15-21°c.