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Chilli Pepper Trinidad Perfume

Trinidad Perfume Peppers

This pepper is a must have for anybody who enjoys cooking. With authentic Habanero flavour, without the heat! This is an invaluable variety in the kitchen. When used in conjunction with a hot Habanero it allows the cook to control the depth of the flavour, without adding too much heat. Yellow coloured chillis.

As easy to grow as tomatoes and requiring much of the same treatment. Trindad perfume peppers can be grown outside, so long as they are in a sheltered sunny area, but best results are usually obtained when they are grown in a polytunnel or a greenhouse. Delicious when used raw in salads but are also very tasty when cooked. They can be stuffed, roasted or added to sauces.

Product Part No: 13626

Pack size: 10 Seeds

In Stock
Price: £2.65

When to Sow

  • Jan
  • Feb
  • Mar
  • Apr
  • May
  • Jun
  • Jul
  • Aug
  • Sep
  • Oct
  • Nov
  • Dec

Additional Details

When to Sow Trinidad Perfume Pepper Seeds

>February to April

Where to Sow

Sow seed on the surface of a free draining compost in pots or trays and cover with a fine sprinkling of compost or vermiculite and place at a temperature 18-21°C until seeds germinate.

What to do next

Prick out seedlings when large enough to handle into 7cm (3in) pots and grow on underglass. Once plants reach 10cm (4in) high transplant into growbags or 25cm (10in) pots and grow on underglass. Feed once a week with tomato fertiliser once first fruits have set.


Late July to October

Handy Tip

To help support the weight of the crop it is best to tie the plants to some canes as they grow. Water regularly and spray the foliage to keep the plants cool and encourage fruit to set.

Nutritional Values

A good source of Vitamin C and beta carotene.

Scoville Heat Rating

50-500 SHU